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[at-l] weight/use efficiency & Guns

Kahley wrote:
..... just as I wasn't allowed to use my dad's good screwdrivers.

I think you and I are related

..That was my semi rural experience....Maybe we should ban cities.

I was born in a city (Don't start!  Indianapolis IS a city! We have
close to a dozen buildings with more than 10 floors!) and then moved to
the country (1 stop sign, 14 grain silos, a couple thousand head of
cattle, and a couple thousand acres of corn and soybeans)
There are accidental and intentional gun incidents on the news here all
the time.  I can't recall any from rural areas in the last couple of
decades.  I know that country folk kill each other too, but I believe
Kahley may be on to something real here.  Guns don't kill people, city
people with guns kill people.

City dwellers and country folk, search your memory or better yet, search
the archives of your favorite paper.  Gun related crimes (PER CAPITA to
make it fair) in the urban area of your choice vs. the rural area of
your choice.  I don't know the answer, but I hypothesize that numbers
will prove Kahley out.
