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[pct-l] Bear Vault Solo

I just reserved a trail permit for Kearsage Pass over to Whitney on the PCT
in early October. I see by the 'rules' that I must carry a bear canister. I
hate to risk getting a fine if caught so am considering getting the Bear
Vault Solo. I was going to do an overnighter (about 25 miles a day) and it
seemed crazy to carry even the Solo for that small amount of food so I got
the permit for two nights. I'll find a side trip to add on.
     Does anyone rent the Bear Vault Solos? If I get one, I'd happily
consider renting it out.

John Vonhof
New Happy Feet blog: http://www.vonhof.typepad.com/happy_feet/
Fixing Your Feet: Prevention and Treatments for Athletes, 3rd edition
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