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[ft-l] FT-L archives available (ADMIN)

I've had a couple requests for access to the FT archives, which to date
have not been available to the public.   So I've set up temporary, not
too fancy, archive access at:


Hope this helps,


* From the Florida Trail Mailing List | http://www.backcountry.net *

To:            ft-l@backcountry.net
Cc:            judytrotta@florida-trail.org, d_blick@email.msn.com, kbhiker@aol.com, gcpep@bellsouth.net, sculpash@aol.com, FTCracker@aol.com, dunnams@alltel.net, psdurnell@cs.com, hale1@mindspring.com, lpatton@mailer.fsu.edu, jazz1@alltel.net, rschuler@mpinet.net, barker-smith@worldnet.att.net, rambler26@juno.com, ttenold@fs.fed.us, judytrotta@florida-trail.org, elizavan@aol.com, dwells1@tampabay.rr.com, dwwell1@us.ibm.com, dianewilkins@florida-trail.org