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[at-l] Anyone know where they are?

Recieved this email from the mother of a thru hiker - does anyone know them 
or have an answer?  Thanks -

The Redhead (in house hunting hell)

Hi Redhead,  
Do you happen to know if thru-hikers Creeper and Free Spirit have gotten off 
the trail?  A thru hiker asked me and since I'm not on the AT list anymore, I 
don't hear the news so I thought you might know.  Seems you were trying to 
keep track of thru-hikers.  For your notes, Woodchuck and Pepper are expected 
to summit Katahdin this Sunday, Sept. 12!!
Hope you are well.
* From the Appalachian Trail Mailing List |  http://www.backcountry.net  *
