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re: [at-l] wildlife

On Fri, 7 May 1999 10:06:14 -0400, "Nicole Markee" <thatgirl@astrogirl.com>

>So, anybody on here know anything about turtles?

This sounds like a spotted turtle. All black with a pattern of small orange
dots on shell and head, with orange blotches on neck. It is a water turtle 3
- 5 in., living in costal to piedmont area from GA to S. New England and
across the Great Lakes. I had a few as outdoor pets. They have to eat in
water, but come on land. This from my 1953 Golden Guide to Reptiles and

>I saw some deer while wandering in the Reston woods this morning.  This is
>not unusual, but today I also saw a turtle, which is a first.
>It's shell was black with yellow markings and the head and front legs (maybe
>the back too, I didn't them) had VDOT orange markings on them (for the
>non-Virginians, that's a bright blaze orange) .  It was not a color I'd
>expect to see on a turtle, but then I don't see a lot of turtles.
>- -Nicole

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