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[at-l] I Won! I won! Well, not really. was Paddler #2

     Paddler and I had a bet -- that I'd buy him a warm town breakfast if 
     he wasn't eating a "warmed" trail breakfast at Hawk Mtn Shelter. Well, 
     he didn't warm his breakie at Hawk Mtn, so I owe him one....Unless you 
     want to count the item from his journal below......?
     4/14/99, Paddler wrote from just beyond Hot Springs:
I just thought tonight that I have not actually written anything about 
food, or how my system is working out. Well, I'm not eating cold oatmeal 
in the mornings any longer. I did for two weeks, and I've decided it 
so little fuel to heat the oatmeal water that I'd switch to hot. I like 
oatmeal so it's no problem eating oatmeal and poptarts every day for 

     I don't know. Would maybe "Dutch Treat" be the way to go?
     who definately likes his porridge hot.
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