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[at-l] Water purifacation

Hi All

I hike a lot.  I use plain old clorox to treat my drinking water. I carry a
small mediciene bottle with a dropper. It holds an ounce and will last 5 or 6
months. I use three drops per litter. Since the cost of the clorox is less
than a penny an ounce no one promotes it. If everyone used clorox  and no one
used filters would Pur advertise in Backpacker?
It works for me.

For those of you you who know "FoxTrot"  He hike the Long Trail to Canada
finshing on the 4th. I took him back to Maine Jct and he is now headed to

Have Fun

The Old RidgeRunner
Moscow VT
* From the Appalachian Trail Mailing List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
