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Re: [at-l] knee strap

---Julius Edward Daniels <jed2@gulf.net> wrote:
> on the trail. A lot of runners knee comes from structural imbalances
> the hip/leg and from inadequate orthopedic support of the foot. I
think that.... but, it's best to work on
> the leg as a whole so as not to favor one muscle group over another
> too, can lead to injury).

Thanks, Julius, for introducing the idea of structure to the knee
discussion.  I've been reading this discussion and see so much talk
about alleviating the pain and about exercising the muscles, but not
about structural alignment of the bones, which seems to be of utmost
importance to me.

If the body is a structure, and we're placing stress on that
structure, then the stress will be routed through the structure.  If
we are not practicing proper alignment of our bones to smoothly carry
that stress from its source to the ground (which is where we want to
send it), we end up directing the stress to move through our bodies in
less efficient and potentially painful ways as we compensate
muscularly to maintain balance and uprightedness.  Even as we work our
muscles in a gym or however to strengthen them, if we are not
practicing strenthening our muscle groups with the structure they tie
together aligned at its best, then we aren't doing ourselves any

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