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[at-l] Re: What would you do?

Good for you! Although I am not advocating violence as a means of LNT
education, that guy will _always_ think twice about throwing anything into
the river <g>. Many times I've been paddling past fisherman or people on
river banks, swerved over from midstream, and picked up the soda bottle or
bait box that I just saw them throw into the water. I've even turned all the
way around (with a litttle extra "theatrics" thrown in) to pick up their
trash _while they watched_ , then I let my boat travel right by them, and I
don't say anything until very close, when I can tell they're wondering. Then
I just say something like "Beautiful river, isn't it?", while I smile. I
think it gets the point across very well (- though I'd rather give 'em a
good toss! I have had a time or two where the only expedient way to stop
some numbskull from further fouling things up was to react as quickly and as
unexpectedly as Tim did. It works _very_ well...)


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