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[at-l] Baxter State Park ( Katahdin ) Reservations due soon

Baxter State Park takes reservations for camping starting on January 1st 1998.
The Season for camping is mid-May to mid-Oct. As ATers know, Katahdin above
the tree line was closed due to snow in June and October. Could anyone provide
the exact dates? The rates are $6 for a lean-to and $12 for a campsite. The
snailmail for BSP is; Baxter State Park, Reservation Clerk, 64 Balsam Drive,
Millinocket, Maine 04462. Phone 207-763-5140, and
http://www.mainerec.com/genrules.html, will take you to a page with all the
rules and regs. See you on the Mountain!
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