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[at-l] Opinions on AT packcover?

>So, does anyone have any exprience with the pack covers sold through the
>ATC? The reversible orange/black ones. Are they made for external or
>internals? Are the seams sealed or will I have to seal them?

Will -
Ginny uses one for winter trips and it works great.  The downside is
that it's HEAVY.   What we normally use is the Camp Trails pack
cover that places like Campmor sell.   I used one when I thruhiked
in 92.  We both used them last weekend for an overnight bushwhack
through the worst briars I've seen in a lot of years and they held up
just fine (We were scouting a new trail section for the Mid State
Trail in PA).  I don't have a new catalog with me, but last year
Campmor sold them for $16.99.

Walk softly,

* From the Appalachian Trail Mailing List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
