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[at-l] A Ponderous Ponderance

Greetings.  And so on.  And on.

I've been pondering taking a walk this summer.  A rather long walk...Down
that trail that people on this list seem to discuss with regularity.

Here's the question.  I've of course spent some time bouncing through the
Trailplace page (Oddly enough, one of the few places you see tables colored
differently than the background...And dang sexy colors they are, too...)
looking at suggestions and whatnot.  But...I'm wondering.

What sort of a "bare minimum" set of gear would one need for a three month
hike, starting in Maine, and continuing to wherever...?  My budget is that
of the destitute college student...I've been saving for a wee bit, and
whatever I save up in the next three months is what I'll have to spend on gear.

What sort of suggestions can you folks toss out?  I don't need loads of
Super-Deluxo-2000 gear, just something simple that will do the job.  I
figure...People made this hike before some of the newer advancements
existed, so it must be doable.  I'd like to be at least comfortable, but by
no means do I need a luxurious pile of goodies.

Anyway...Give me some ideas, here...Starting from the ground up.  And some
sort of cost estimate, if it suits ya.  Even if you don't want to get
specific, toss out some generalities as far as a set of gear goes.

A whole pile of thanks...

Vandibere Hanson (vndibere@oitunix.oit.umass.edu)
Resistance is puerile.  You have been regurgitated.

* From the Appalachian Trail Mailing List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
