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[at-l] And now, for something completely different (OT)

At 01:55 PM 12/1/2004 -0500, Lilla Thompson wrote:
>Welp.  I just took the quickie version and came up ISFJ.  When I did the 
>real test a few years ago, I was INFP.  Go figure.  But the only thing I 
>scored strongly on both times was...you guessed it:  Introversion.
>I'm feeling judgmental--or, am I?

Don't confuse "judging" with being "judgmental". As it was explained to me, 
judging refers to your way of quantifying. I.E. some people can do things 
all day at work for which there is no visible result and *feel good* at the 
end of the day about "all they've accomplished". They are "P"s or 
perceptive. A "J" or judging person does better when they can see the 
results of their work whether it be a pile of firewood split, a desk 
cleared of paperwork or whatever.

One problem with these 'quickie' tests vs the full professionally 
administered ones is that they don't fully explain the result thus leading 
to misinterpretation by the subject. Here 
<http://www.personalitypathways.com/type_inventory.html> is a site that 
give a slightly differnt take on the "J" vs "P" dimension (plus all the 
others) which may make more sense. Scroll down for the descriptions.