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[at-l] RE: Jobs, and life and such

I just purchased "What Color is Your Parachute" for my confused 21 yo daughter who is about to graduate college.  I did so, because the 2003 edition helped me in my successful search for a job.  After 19 years in the corporate world with one company, I can attest that it's not simple to "jump ship" to a new career.  It can be done howerver, and for less than $20, I received some invaluable interview & resume tips form "What Color...".  Orangebug is right on the money.  I give the book (2) thumbs up.
While on the subject of books, "Voluntary Simplicity" by Duane Elgin is another great one.  A community "Simplicity Circle" led to my thru hike in 2000.  It's all about simplifying and creating your ideal life, whatever that means to you.  A book entitled "Circle of Simplicity" by Cecile Andrews guided our 10 week discussion.  It was a great experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to "downsize" their lifestyle.  
Jeffrey Hunter

Orange Bug <orangebug74@yahoo.com> wrote:
Thru-thinker offers some good recommendations for
"Your Money or Your Life." 

Another excellent "self-help" book is "What Color is
your Parachute". This is best completed about every
4-5 years before there are problems with employment or
career. Even once there are such problems, it can help
one review goals, strengths, aptitudes and
opportunities. It can be a suitable first step before
investing in extensive vocational/aptitude testing -
possibly avoiding such an expense. (If on a budget,
check out the local college with a clinical psych
program seeking subjects for testing.)

As a section hiker, I note that often thru-hikers
discover that in finding a new person at the end of
the trail, they have lost much of who they were at the
start of the trail. That is neither good nor bad, just
a rapid life changing experience. One would be
surprised at where you can find thru hikers in
business, rarely touting their expertise at self
motivation and perseverance.

in the Smokies can be just the luck of the draw. I'll
bet his walk was after 3/6/01. Even the week preceding
was fabulous early Spring with sun and warmth. I've
just learned that I won't go into the Smokies prior to
3/17 without better gear than on that trip.>
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