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[at-l] AMC's "miscues" in the 100 Mile

In a message dated 12/14/03 7:17:31 AM, ellen@clinic.net writes:

> So far no one besides me on this list has said publicly that the purchase 
> of
> 37,000 acres by a club with a long history of support for trails might be a
> good thing.

          ***   Ahh no. I believe that was said in my post. You must have 
missed it Weary...

            It's obvious that any purchase that shields large acreages in the 
100 Mile Wilderness stretch is a good thing. However, I don't think this 
precludes the asking of important questions over whether or not some of the 
wilderness quality some have pushed for on this list will be compromised by even 
AMC's benevolent presence. From what I have seen of this discussion it looks like 
an improved campground will be added near the Hermitage. If this is adjoined 
by a large AMC facility at Lyford Ponds it can only mean the increase of 
non-wilderness presence in the Gulf Hagas area of the AT located within the 100 
Mile Wilderness. I'm sorry, but with all the good being done by both the Governor 
and AMC, this question is still a legitimate one. The effect will be a 
truncation of the 100 Mile Wilderness to a Katahdin Ironworks/Lyford entrance. Let's 
not pretend this won't happen. Hence, ATC's strange and anachronistic 
reasoning that the Wilderness is only technical DOES sound like counter-Trail logic 
to me. Seeing this coming from an ATC source, it makes me wonder if WF wasn't 
right about them...   

         Hurd Brook is by Baxter. That must be another purchase?