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[at-l] this smells

The "haters" have him theiving, and his "lovers" have him

That poor guy can't get a break from anyone.


--- "Bob C." <ellen@clinic.net> wrote:

> Sorry, Amber, this discussion was raised by those who hate
> Wingfoot -- irrationally I think. But anyway, they can't let
> the man rest in peace....

Hey Folks

After about four years or so why don't all of you Wingfoot haters just
shut the fuck up.   Most of the crap that you post on here about him;
you won't say it to his face anyhow.    Bigass bunch of cowards.

Especially you Snodrog, you ignorant piece of shit!   You are what is
known as a goddamn drone.   Should I get chased off for this post, so be
it.  I am just so damned sick of some of you know-it-alls continually
heaping piles of manure on the back of someone who has already been
sodden with your urine.  So screw every fucking one of you.....
