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Greenway, was Re[2]: [at-l] The future of hiking

>"...Hmmm.  Why  not  the  opposite approach -- a few more civilized >trails 
>might take  the  pressure  off  the  existing trails (AT, CDT, >PCT, LT, 
>etc) that we'd prefer to keep wild,"


As a person who has led a relatively small life, it never ceases to amaze me 
how ordinary people can take on the big idea, and against all logic and 
common sence pull it off.  Me, I am to much the frickin' realist.

I don't know about you guys, but I am rooting for Terrapin's idea, and this 
group that is "dumb enough" to try and make it happen.  I wouldn't be 
surprised if they and other like them did.


Gob Bless America.

RIck Boudrie

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