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[at-l] Scanning Question

Just for funsies I tried the big gun, Adobe Photoshop 6/Image Composer.
I took their sample dune.tif at 1.04 MB and got an optimized .gif at 170
KB and .png files of 510 or 580 KB depending on whether it was
interlaced or not. JPEG at high, medium and low quality were 90, 34 and
14 KB respectively. For those unfamilar with image compression, JPEG
tosses out information during compression and that's why the files are
so small. The dune photograph has a large areas of pretty much the same
color, being sand. Their astronaut.tif which has a lot more detail in it
compresses from 1.248 MB to 282 KB which is more realistic, the
optimized .gif is 235 KB but you can see considerable image degradation,
it is very grainy. But .gifs should not be used for photographic images
for that reason.


> Like I said, you can forget using PNG, at least I won't.