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[at-l] Olive oil, was: Freeze Dried food questions.

Skip the olive oil, drink lots of Red wine... 
Daydream about female olive oil wrestlers, dressed in garbage bags,
carrying 22's.
Red wine is good for your heart... One of my hiking staples.

Take a dose of Olive oil in town for regularity...

In a message dated 2/25/2002 4:25:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, Rcli3@aol.com 

> I will find the info if you want but this is only true in the sense that I 
> would rather be shot by Shane's . 22 than his .45.  It is beneficial if you 
> have been eating lard and switch to olive oil.  It sounds good to people 
> that 
> are vegetarians.  There is nothing good about oil and its implications for 
> heart disease.  It is supposed to do something good with free radicals and 
> cancer as long as you don't heat it beyond a certain temperature.  I have 
> heard these reports before and all I have to say is that if we say anything 
> long enough someone will repeat it as fact. 
> Clyde 

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