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[at-l] bio

Name: Mark Hudson

Trail Name and Alter Ego: Skeeterbait/Skeeter

Home: Pleasant Valley NY.

Born: Albany NY

Age:  41
Motto: I may grow old but I refuse to grow up

Married: No.

Occupation: Ah the fun one. Sample preparation technician in a transmission
electron microscopy group, part of the research and developement at IBM.
No, I haven't figured out
how to translate this to english yet.

Hobbies: Hiking, reading, trail maintaining.

Last books read: The Lord of the Rings, Seven Years in Tibet, In the Wake
of the Plauge, and John Henry Days. You read a lot when you can't be
bothered to own a TV.

First time on the AT: 12 years old, family picnic at Mt Greylock. Long term
long distance hiking disease caught from the dirty, smelly thru-hikers
crossing the parking lot.

First long distance hike: Northville Placid Trail in '86.

Favorite Trail: Ooooh, tough one, but it's got to be the Long Trail. Long
enough to be a trek, short enough to be a vacation. Done it twice, but I'll
be back.

Last Trail: Colorado Trail

Next Trail(s): Most likely the Cohos Trail in NH, and the Tuscaroara/Big
Blue next year.
And of course there's a lot more trails out there waiting...