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[at-l] Psychology 101

In a message dated 8/13/01 10:38:32 PM US Eastern Standard Time, 
elexious48@home.com writes:

> Hey Saunterer
> To be so glad that you missed the post, I see that you have reconstituted
> the entire thing somehow..  Why are you kind of glad?  You have the entire
> post now..  Hello wannabe!

Too bad you missed the fact that Russ wrote that post, not sAunTerer.  Kind 
of like you missed the fact that *my* post was directed towards someone else, 
not you - unless you are just pretending to be two different people on the 
list - and that's not the style of the Bucky I know.  He's never been afraid 
to sign his real name to his opinions, popular or not.  In fact, because he 
doesn't attack people the way some recent additions to the list have, even 
his unpopular opinions don't generate the same type of discord on this list 
than said recent additions.  And since he has been around for many years, and 
we have disagreed many times, agreed at others, usually without hostilities, 
I think he probably had a better idea of what I was saying.  You, on the 
other hand, put words in my mouth and characterized my truely sincere 
question about why someone would stay around if they feel such contempt for 
it so much as condescending.  I won't go into the name calling thing.  Some 
people can't feel good about themselves unless they put others down - I don't 
hate those types of people, I pity them.  I was going to ignore this whole 
thing, with the exception of my response to you earlier.  I think I managed 
to answer a vile email with some semblance of civility and restraint.  I can 
only ask that you try to do likewise.  I was going to ignore it, that is, 
until your most recent post.  Someone who actually *knows* me was appalled by 
what you wrote, so you immediately attacked them too.  "hello, wannabe"?  
Have you ever attended an ALDHA gathering?  Experienced the emotion when at 
the end of the roll call of classes, they ask the future thru hikers to stand 
up, the "wannabes".  Except when THEY say it, they mean it as a compliment, 
and many people get tears in their eyes, as the wannabe themselves, or a 
former thru hiker who remembers what it was like to start out as one, and 
then ultimately accomplished their dream.  

I think you'd do much better to aim your cruel attacks on people you know, so 
you aren't actually talking about someone you know nothing about.  What you 
wrote about me is so patently untrue - and so many people on this list know 
me, in real life - that all you accomplished was making yourself look like 
the mindless idiot you accused me of being.  Notice I didn't CALL you that - 
I said it made you LOOK that way.  I don't know you well enough to make 
comments on your intelligence - I have only your words to go by to figure out 
that you believe you are better (presumably because you've thru hiked??) than 
those of us who haven't thru hiked.  And apparently my strong desire to help 
my hiker friends, whether I've met them or not, makes me a groupie in your 

Yes, there are a lot of thru hikers on this list - although I'd have to 
disagree with your statement that MOST of them are.  I don't think any 
thruhiker I've ever met would call me a groupie just because I haven't thru 
hiked.  If that's the case, there are a WHOLE LOT of groupies here (and us 
groupies aren't the only ones who like wine<g>).  And your response to Russ 
(even though you thought it was to sAunTerer) showed that it isn't just ME 
you feel contempt for, it is all wannabes.  

I don't like a lot of what RnR has said about us.  But *nothing*, bar 
*nothing*, that he has said has come close to what you said - which was that 
wannabe is a dirty word, and we have no right here on this list if we haven't 
thruhiked.  I can't and won't speak for the list - and you won't even get 
kicked off for saying the things you did - but I can speak for myself on this 
one.  I'd rather have RnR hanging around telling us we're not serious about 
the Trail MUCH MORE than I like knowing someone out there thinks that being a 
thru hiker makes them superior to someone who is not a thru hiker.

All I can say is - did you really thru hike?  Because I can't imagine that 
thru hiking didn't change your life in some way, and the majority of thru 
hikers I've met have learned MORE tolerance and respect for people on the 
Trail, not less, as you obviously did, assuming you hiked.

That's all I have to say on that subject - and if you wish to reply privately 
with some more cussing and contempt, please feel free.  Just keep it off the 
list.  Personal attacks should in general be made personally - unless of 
course you're just looking for attention.  In that case, I suppose you'll 
feel the need to reply here.  I, on the other hand, am going to start 
deleting all posts with this subject matter, and encourage everyone else to 
do the same.  I only posted this publicly because of your unwarranted attack 
on sAunTerer, which was actually on a very good friend of mine.

You might not get this concept - but there are a LOT of friends on this list 
- and while you were knocking Russ and I for being wannabes, you were in 
actuality insulting the majority of the list, since they are wannabes also.

Sorry so long - but like Russ, I defend my friends.

The (mindless, stupid and groupie) Redhead

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