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[at-l] about to go

On the 22nd (Friday) I am off to see family. On the 29th I see different family. On the 1st I should
arrive in Millinocket, Maine. On the 2nd I should be hiking up Katahdin followed shortly thereafter
by hiking (ugh) back down it and heading south.

It's been great fun chatting with everyone at the campfire (even the "debates" are interesting
though I've stayed out of the latest R&R against the world one - R&R you really should read more
carefully. No one here has denied anyone their due; just railed against giving more credit than is
deserved or noted that there are good ways and better ways to get things done).

I'll post an itinerary in a day or so.

I'll also be doing a short hike either this Sunday through Tuesday/Wednesday or Saturday to Tuesday.
SOmething along the lines of a Manasas Gap to Harpers Ferry or maybe just Harpers Ferry to LIttle
Washington Monument. This is something of a shakedown hike to ensure everything I'm planning on
taking on the big hike is working the way I want it too. If anyone wants to join me let me know and
we'll try to work something out.

  ** Ken **

**  Kenneth Knight    Web Design, IT Consultant, Software Engineer  **
**       krk@speakeasy.org        http://www.speakeasy.org/~krk     **