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[at-l] Mouse ingenuity

>From: Merlin <ept@bellsouth.net>
>Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 08:31:31 -0500
>Has anyone had a mouse get into food well hung on a baffled cord?  Has
>anyone ever seen a mouse trying to get around a can or lid to get to
>food?  Mice can do some amazing things.  I saw one RUNNING upside down
>along a ceiling beam one night.  Why can't they get past the cans?...

They can and do...  I have a picture of a mouse posing on my food bag after 
it got past a can.  I was watching it so I never gave it a chance to 
actually get at my food.  This was in the 100-mile wilderness in 1999 when 
even the locals (not hikers) were complaining that it was a bad mouse year.  
This wasn't even in a shelter so I ended up sleeping with my food that 

The cans work, in theory because the mouse has to "fall" past them and then 
can't catch the bag.  Works most of the time but not all of the time.  
Especially when there are too many bags packed too close together or too 
close to shelter walls.

It's fun to watch the mice just jump from shelf to bag or bag to bag.  :-)  
Until they start tearing into the bags, that is...

Stitches, GAME99

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