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[at-l] Not with a bang [was: Stop Nominee Gale Norton's...]

-- WildBill wrote:
> When the left wing people know their wrong, they 
> start calling people names, who don't agreee 
> with then. 

Isn't this kind of self-contradictory? Is this 
only the providence of "left wing people?" I don't
think so. All the pots and kettles are black here...

The bigger problem is the apathetic majority. When
most of our voices are silent and our attention is
diverted elsewhere (to the complexity of our own
lives or what's on "Friends" tonight), then it is the
angry, agressive lot of all political colors that are 
heard only.

On a separate note:
I agree with almost all of what Rhyming Worm said. 
Except, the Sierra Club isn't "extremist." SC is the 
ivory tower of environmental mediocrity. Hence, the
hypocritical gap between talk and walk.

Also, to those who are said walk the walk personally,
I strongly agree. To borrow a phrase from I think 
the feminist movement, "The Personal is Political."

Turbo Turtle

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