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Re: [at-l] itinerary of itinerant

"Coosa" <coosa@fox21.net> wrote: 
> Gutsy, who hiked the Trail in 1996 says that except for the few places where
> one NEEDS a mail drop, she will not use them on her next thru hike because
> they do force you to be in your maildrop town when the Post Office is open.
> She found that she could pick up enough edibles at the various convenience
> and grocery stores along the trail.  See

I did not have this problem in too many places, as I sent my mail drops to the
hostel or motel I planned to stay at in town, rather than the post office
whenever I could. Only one time did I have to pick up a package at a hostel
where I ended up not staying. I paid the owners a little extra for holding my
package - though they did not ask, and refused to take my money till I forced
them to do so.

I was not ever forced to wait for a PO to open this way. It worked out really
well for me. I liked resupplying by mail drop, and did this the whole way. I
would do it again, as the selection of foods I could find in town were always
less desirable and heavier than what I was packing myself. It helped that I
dried all my own meats and veggies though.

When in town, I only went to the grocery store to buy stuff I was going to eat
in town - or for fuel.  I really liked it that way, but YMMV.


GA>ME Class of 99
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