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[pct-l] My PCT 2000 trek

* Message posted to PCT-L from the National Scenic Trails Website
* by our guest Douglas J. Gates <pcthiker@uswest.net>.
* Please use <mailto:pcthiker@uswest.net> to reply to the sender.

This is a open request to all people on the list. I'm in the process of putting together my lession plans for the schools who will be following my on my trek next year. I am asking anyone who has done the PCT to give me their best ideas that they think the kids would like to know about the PCT. Ecology, geology, history, pollution, environmental dangers, etc. Fun stuff also. I look forward in hearing from anyone on this. Please feel free to e mail me direct or post on the list, I check the list every day.

Thanx,  Doug 

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
