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Re: [at-l] The earth shook -- a fanciful trip report

At 02:46 PM 12/17/99 EST, TOKTAADN@aol.com wrote:
>DATELINE: Oviedo, FL  December 17, 1999
>As scientists here in Central Florida put their heads together in puzzlement 
>at last evening's magnitude 2.7 earthquake centered in nearby Little Big
>State Forest, your intrepid reporter (hereinafter abbreviated YR) rushed to 
>the scene of "ground zero" of this seismic event and was greeted by a most 
>unusual scene.
>YR:  With all due respect, sir.  The shock was felt by thousands.  People 
>need to know what happened here.
In defense of Solar Bear a seizmic event of 2.7 can't be felt by thousands.
One that small would likely be detected only by a seizmometer or someone at
the site of the earthquake. 
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