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Re: [at-l] Poetry challenge(d)?

     I thought this was tre magnifique, btw. Who can do better?

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Subject: [at-l] Poetry challenge(d)?
Author:  ATnavi@aol.com at ima
Date:    10/19/99 6:01 PM

I prefer free verse, SB, for exactly that reason...but I'll give it a shot...

** The AT's a Rocky Road **
(or, Navigator needs another trail name?)

Springer calls, its granite flanks
pointing down the trail's banks
rosy quartz and mica beckon
to join my on my hike, I'll reckon.

Into the trail's slope I lean
'neath Shenandoah's thick forest green
another shade of green I see
a stringy serpentine for me.

Pennsylvania teases me wholesale
with trilobites in Swartara shale
then sharpened granite like razors rip
tear my boots, make me trip.

Further north, the glacial erratics 
liven the trek, make me panic
Giant boulders, too big to pack
tries to tear it off my back.

Mica schist! Mica schist!
The hills of Vermont sparkle with this
metallic it looks, catching the sun
blobs of rock to keep for fun.

Ah, those pristine alpen domes 
the Whites are home to minerals known
for beauty, wonder, size, and scale
their granite graces the local jail.

Then Maine, the boulders in the notch!
With rocks below, and rocks atop,
Agate shores on glacial lakes unfold
A pebble from Kathadin, my final goal.

Cheers, Navigator
(PS. You can take the alabaster...I'll just keep my purple jasper)


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