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Re: [at-l] Stunt spider on the way to Erwin

In a message dated 10/15/99, 8:25:09 AM, TOKTAADN@aol.com writes:
<<And what was he trying to say?  Probably, "STOP, DAMN YOU!"

If it was a relative of Charlottes, probably something more along the lines 
of "That's some pig." or "Wilbur"    :)

<<So I finally get to Redhead's.  First thing you gotta know is about the 
of life at the Redhead household.  This is a busy place, a sea of humanity of 
friends and family.  Kinda like a hostel but most of the people stay all the 

You know, I never thought about it quite like that.  Although I have 
occassionally thought of putting a jar at the door for donations to the 
grocery bill by those teens that appear to live with me, but whom I did not 
myself give birth to.  I can't believe you forgot to mention the fact that 
Cassy was so taken by you that she almost managed to stay up later than us.  
I can now testify that SB is an expert in building with legos :)  You left 
out the harrowing drive on dark country roads, too.  But we'll save that tale 
for another time . . . :)

The Redhead
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