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Re: [at-l] Re: Hunting & armed stupidity

> >>Here
> >>in PA a few years ago a man shot and killed a fellow hunter just before
> >>daybreak because he heard a noise.

I heard the hunters rushed the guy to the hospital and
sat in the waiting room (or was it waited in the sitting room) until
the Doctor finally appeared with bad news......

"I'm afraid your friend didn't make it", he said
" He probably would have had a chance had you not gutted him before
 you brought him in."

 (Not meaning to make lite of a serious subject but I couldn't resist.)
  {              They deem me mad because I will not          }
  {                     sell my days for gold;                }
  {                And I deem them mad because they           }
  {                      think my days have a price.          }
  {                                                           }
  {         -excerpt from Sand and Foam, by Kahlil Gibran     }

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