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[at-l] umbrella fantasies

hley7 wrote:
> DaRedhead@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Okay, I'll take the plunge - _why_ would one need an umbrella when we
> > gortex hats and backpack covers?
> The main reason Jardine used an umbrella was as protection
> from the sun in the desert, I think..gotta read the book.
> But I want it because I like to hike in the rain but I
> don't like getting rained on.
> Imagine a day like it is here today..temp 60 and a
> constant fine drizzle.  Way too warm for raingear
> and a bit too cold to just get wet.  Your glasses are
> a mess cause the hat you have pulled down to keep them
> from the rain are trapping your body heat and making them
> steam.  Since you can't see anyway, you stop looking...
> just hunch your shoulders, drop your head, try to ignore
> the water dripping down your back and continue zombie style.
> Or you can walk in a little tiny no-rain zone.  Dry
> glasses, no hat so less steam...looking around and seeing
> what happens when it rains..everything is shiney,
> glistening,
> new.  Your shoulders are relaxed, your back dry.  Or at
> least that's the way it works in my imagination <g>.
> Plus you have instant shelter for lunching or cooking
> supper.

Another vision of reality: - it's a fine Appalachian mist - so it flows
under the edge of the umbrella, getting me wet. The wind blows, turning
the umbrella inside out.  I have to bend double to keep the umbrella
from being torn off my pack  by the wind gusts.

At least, that's what happens to me everytime I walk from the metro to
the office on a rainy day.  Trouble is, most of the time, rain doesn't
just fall straight up and down. It falls sideways. Only a really big
umbrella would really protect much against the rain - and then it would
get caught in the brush.  I prefer to wear a baseball cap to protect my
glasses - and a rain jacket unless it's really hot. (Rainpants I;ve
pretty much given up on. I sweat so much that shorts or nylon wind
pants  are better than waterproof bottoms.)

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