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Re: [at-l] Greetings From Alabama

I like it - what's sophomoric about it?  It describes me very well.  

Walk softly,

> ======= Warning, Sophmoric Humor Follows =======
> -A hush falls over the crowd-
> -Winger stands with head hung low in shame and walks to the podium-
> -With eyes full of tears, he says-
> "Hello, my name is Winger, and I'm a HIKEAHOLIC.
> I've been on and off trails most of my life, but when I purchased a Gortex watch band with titanium clasp to go on my Indiglo watch, I realized, I had a problem."
> -Gasp rise from the crowd, they can't believe what they're hearing. Parents cover their small childrens ears in disbelief. A priest crosses himself and begins the ritual of Hail Mary's to abade the guilt and shame now flowing thru the room.-
> -Winger continues- "My first hike was one of leisure and reflection, but before it was over, little did I know, the addiction was there for life. No matter how hard I try, I can't keep from donning the boots and walking in the woods for weeks on end. One time I actually ignored a reroute, just to see what the local club didn't want me to see, as though they were going to keep part of a trail from my view. The next thing I knew, I was in a B & J wholesalers factory with my titanium spoon working
> ===== End Sophmric Humor ========================
> (or maybe not...)

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