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Re: [at-l] first aid kit revisions

Hiya Rhymi,
 You will end up going to town cause you will
either have to shop for food or get to the post office
to pick up the food you have sent to yourself.
Plus you'll have to do laundry.  Most hikers use
what's called a bump box.  This is a box you send
ahead to yourself at another town farther along on
the trail.  Stuff like shampoo,which is only used in town,
and clothes to wear in town, (so you can wash all your
trail clothes).  This helps cut your pack weight.
Check out the responses to Feelix's last post.  There
were some excellent suggestions there.  One thing I'd add to
the suggestions is extra ziplock bags.  The freezer style
holds up better than the lighter weight type.  Your list looks
good.  Just remember to keep the amount of each item
to a minimum to keep the weight down.  You can keep
more of everything in your bump box and resupply from
there.  About soap...yes biodegradable and used far from
running water.  Dr. Bronner's is popular with a lot of hikers.
I prefer diaperwipes boosted with a bit of alcohol and a
waterless antibiotic soap like purell.

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