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[at-l] Ron & Cheryl (fwd by Milt)

Subject: Ron & Cheryl
Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 08:48:05 -0400
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Just a quick update. Ron &  Cheryl are in Harpers Ferry, VA. They took
the Memorial Day weekend off to rest up and wait for some of their mail
to catch up to them. As a side note, sending packages (even priority
mail) to some of the small towns along the AT is similar to sending them
to Ruwanda or other equally distant places. Even the Post Office
chuckled when I asked if a Priority Mail package would arrive in the 2
days they advertise. "Not to that place," was the answer.

Ron seems healthy. Cheryl has some foot problems. She went to the
hospital and had her feet X-rayed as they thought she might have some
stress fractures, but the doctor said she had just "beat up her muscles"
from the walking. So, she has some anti-inflammatories and pain killers.
Just overuse of her feet, it sounds like.

They are leaving Wednesday (27th). Ta ta for now.

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