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Re: [at-l] Observations on the '98 Hiking Scene

I tend to agree with Mark on this one.  I have read comments by this year's
thruhikers talking about not missing a single day without someone providing
magic.  There have been big feeds at shelters and road crossings, as well as
the smaller, spontaneous kind of magic that appears just when you need it
most.  This has given me lots to think about before my hike in 2000, and I
have decided that I don't want the huge feeds and parties along the trail.
While trail magic will undoubtably provide some of my favorite memories from
the hike, I would prefer them to be of magic of the spontaneous nature.  The
ride on a rainy day, a cold drink when least expected, the extra food a
section hiker leaves.  In other words, gifts that cost the giver nothing, yet
mean so much to the receiver at the time they are made.  What I don't want to
do is walk into a shelter to find a live band, bar-b-que grills, cases of cold
beer and 30 hikers there ready to party all night.  I have already made the
decision to bypass such large, planned displays of trail
magic...well......maybe just ONE steak.  Just my opinion.  

Good Hiking,
"Earth gives life and seeks the man who walks gently upon it."
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