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[at-l] I-AT and hiker Junkyard Dog

  Someone recently posted about southbounders encountered recently.  Among
the mentioned was one Junkyard Dog.  Likely the same fellow I hiked with
part way to Maine earlier this year, he, much to the incredulity of others,
had his mind made up to, after climbing Katahdin, continue on north along
the [still in development?] International Appalachian Trail to Canada.
Through register entries and hearsay, I gathered that he was, maps in hand,
headed along this ethereal corridor several days north of my location in
  I'm fairly sure that the I-AT north from Katahdin is not as of yet a
complete entity.  Of course, this doesn't mean it wouldn't be do-able to
find your way into Canada with a few maps and a healthy dose of good fortune.
I'm wondering first if anyone on the list might be familiar with Junkyard and
his plans, whether or not they fermented.  Secondly, anyone have the latest on
what stage this I-AT creation is at?  If nothing else, congratulations to him
for his nearly completed journey on the AT proper.
- Blister>Free, GA-ME '96-'97, PCT '98
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