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[at-l] Re: Civil Disobedience

To equate the LA riots with the American Revolution is about the same 
as saying Jeffery Dahmer had an eating disorder!  All one has to do 
is compare the writings of Samuel Adams (Father of the American 
Revolution), Patrick Henry, John Hancock, etc. to the voices of the 
gangs on the streets of LA and you'll see they are about as similar 
as day and night.

Our Founders were men of deep religious conviction and did not take 
the thought of going to war lightly.  They had to choose between 
obeying Great Britan and obeying God.  Read the Declaration of 
Independence.  1337 words that turned a world upside down and has 
become the model of freedom all over the world.  It mentions God more 
than the 10 Commandments do..

If anyone dislikes the Bible's influence in their lives, I'd say 
there is hardly anywhere to run.  Every law in Western Civilization 
(and maybe even the world) has it's roots in somebody's religion or 
somebody's morality.

Jim Hill
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