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[at-l] NC in August / Sleeping bag

I'm doing a 50-mile section of the AT somewhere in NC (not sure where
exactly) this coming August.  Does anybody have any experience or
information on what temperatures I could expect then?  A lot of my
gear selection will depend on this!

One item that has me frustrated is a sleeping bag.  LL Bean has a 40
degree Lite Loft bag under 2 lb. for $120.  North Face has a 35
degree PolarGuard bag under 2 lb. for $170.  Would either of these
bags be adequate for a NC trip in August or should I fork out the big
bucks for a Feathered Friends 20 degree bag if I want to stay in the
same weight range?  Or go to a less expensive 3 lb. 20 degree bag (LL
Bean's new Primaloft bag or North Face's Cat's Meow)?

Any help/advice (with temp or gear selection) either via posts or
private email would be appreciated!  

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