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Re: [at-l] RE;knees

George wrote:
>I have used WD 40 and DMSO ( get at farmers co-op). DMSO worked for me
>but is illegal to use AS a medicine in US but is
>legal in most of the world.( WHY,AMA ?)
>20/20 had a big story about this several years ago. Also,a DR. Joel
>Wallach has a free tape out (1-800-872-3798) that talks about arthritic

I saw the 60 minutes program several years ago and assumed that dmso was the solvent in 
WD-40 that was helping my neighbor. 
I understand that the tests are too expensive to get it approved for human use and it 
would not be profitable for a drug company to do so.
Medical grade DMSO is available to Veterinarians. I have a friend that is in that 
profession and He said He tried some DMSO on Himself for a sprained joint with some 
success.I don't have bad knees ( thank goodness!)so I have never tried it. Of course 
this would do nothing for fractures. Now for the disclaimer-I'm not a Medical 
professional and do not recommend anything and suggest you get competent medical advise 
before attempting self treatment.


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