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Re: [at-l] goals and philosophy

At 08:04 PM 2/23/97 -0500, Jeff Mosenkis wrote:

>Any thoughts on why it is so important to get to the finish line?

We had the same conversation on Saturday in attempting to do a loop hike up
in the Whites.  There was so much snow (wet, slushy, heavy, yucky snow) that
we lost the trail and had to turn back after walking around in circles
looking for what might be a trail.  One person who was with us was really
grumpy about not "getting to the top", but it honestly didn't matter to me.
I had so much damned fun snowshoeing up that mountain and walking around
like an idiot looking for the trail (renaming the "square ledge trail" the
"square alleged trail") that it didn't even phase me that we didn't do
exactly what we started because we had so many fun memories/stories of the

So the question is...what do you value more -- the journey or the destination?

Jennifer Delia Sawyer	|	"Be the best you can be
Hall Director		|	in the place that you are;
Department of Residential Life	|	and be kind.  
University of New Hampshire	|	Kind to yourself,
Durham, NH  03824		|	Kind to others and 
(603) 862-3812		|	Kind to the land."
jdsawyer@hopper.unh.edu	|		-- Helen Neering

* From the Appalachian Trail Mailing List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
