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[at-l] Bush Outsources Forestry Jobs

### OK, this is replying to a troll's idiot trolling
message, for sure, but I have a half-second.....

--- camojack@comcast.net wrote:

> Doesn't providing jobs to the private sector promote
> the general welfare?
> (As opposed to more gubmint "deadwood")
### No, it doesn't. My office does in $50,000 what a
private firm wants between $200,000 and $300,000 to
do. A) This is not untypical for my office. B) The
private firm would have no learning curve to bring the
second or third or 15th such job down to long-term
cost stability. Pop! A quarter of a million dollars at
a time. "Providing jobs to the private sector" goes by
another name: Corporate Welfare -- and corporate
welfare goes hundreds (HUNDREDS) of times the expense
of the much-maligned other kind. But you knew that,
didn't you -- cuz you *is* the brightest bulb in the
closet. And then you bitch and moan when your taxes
get paid. Whoah.

> You tell me; if engaging hostile forces in Iraq
> occupies the enemy ...DOES that provide for the
> common defense?! 
> I tend to think that it DOES...
### So do *I*. I observe (as does the enemy) that they
are occupied with bear-baiting "the world's only
remaining super-power" into using a mallet on a flea,
and making that super-power (MY COUNTRY) look/act like
an ineffectual military boob, and a disingenuous
global partner, and a deceitful domestic bully, for
which "the rule of law" is an inconvenience to be
bought. I observe that the enemy has successfully used
our own unthinking, knee-jerk "diplomacy" to turn our
global standing from one of near-universal sympathy
and joined purpose to isolationist whacko global
pariah. I further observe the result: "the enemy"
recruits. Holy crap. Wonderful. 
*That's* providing for my defense, thanks.
> -"Camo" (U.S. Army, retired)

(Who will hereafter not respond on this thread.)