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[at-l] Fwd: Squeaky is comin' in for a landing!

In a message dated 12/28/2005 10:30:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
carol1944@brmemc.net writes:

> I've left balloons hanging for South Bounders in the past and they've been 
> there when the SoBos showed up (were there two days, one night).

Ballons for Southbounders?  They're not that special either!  ; )

Speaky of Southbounders, "the Movie" filmmaker and '99 southbounder sent me 
the DVD for screening at the SoRuck and I just got to watch it last night.  I 
thought it was pretty good and not unlike similar relationships that actually 
happen on the trail.  

Anyone have a popcorn maker?
