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35.63% of AT miles covered, roughly..... Re: [at-l] Ruck Thruhikers

--- Nightwalker <nightwalker.at@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mark Hudson <mvhudson@gmail.com> wrote:
> : <<Oh, and officially now, they are now completely outpacing
> dear ol' Dad ...

> : Last year behind you, this year with you... next year ahead
> of you. Year after next you better make sure they have their
CPR training in <g>
> : skeeter
### That is OBVIOUSLY what is going through their little
minds.... snotnoses. So at the end of the day, when I'm
wondering "Hey! Who's up for a 8 mile downhill to Wesser
tonight?!?!" I am *not* surprised to get no takers. Heh!

> Sounds like they help train 'im for those MondoThons.  :-)
### That they do! That they do! Did I tell you 'bout last
Saturday? Did I? Did I? 21 miles, 5000' of climb, from Fontana
Lake level up Clingmans, and then DOWN to Newfound, starting at
10:30am, dark by Mt. COllins, slowed WAY down by nasty sneaksy
icy rooties -- that took a toll. But they thought we would knock
out Fontana->Wesser in a day and a half, no prob! Ha! They kill
me. But in the middle of the climb last week, as we're *really*
pressing going up this one slope, Magic comes out with "I just
*love* this mountain! It just falls off to *nuthin*!" His bro'
responds with "Yeah, but Cole, did you see the view of the
horizon? See that whole range over there?" Now I'm pretty much
sucking wind at this point, and these two are comparing micro
and macro views 7 miles into a 13.1 mile incline. Holy cow.
OK, that's my brag. They'll kill me, but that's my brag.


Spatior! Nitor! Nitor! Tempero!
   Pro Pondera Et Meliora.