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[at-l] Policing the trail...

anyone interested in becoming solars hiker babe sweetie pie please contact me at infinity1plus1@yahoo.com... all interviews will be highly confidential... HIGHLY... please have cam ready... nude photos will always be accepted... solar i will personally weed through what im sure will be a very high turn out and get back to you with MOST of the top gals... 
        sacrificing himself again for the greater good,

Richard C Evans <optimyst@gmail.com> wrote:
Okay, tell me how out of touch I am as I explain the route to my role
in the ATC.

1) I broke my neck in 1991, and during the long recovery phase,
something strange "clicked" in me leading me to nature-based values
and a love for backpacking, where none had existed before.

2) I got involved in the online AT lists including at-l which led me
to my first ALDHA Gathering in 1998 where I was presented with a pink
tutu and dared to wear it. It also led to my separation and divorce
in short order -- thank God!

3) My involvement with ALDHA and these lists led me for the first time
in my life to a group of people where I truly felt comfortable. For
my first 45 years, I always felt like I had nothing in common with any
people. It was a liberating and spiritual experience to finally find
a place where I fit in.

4) The tutu and my online Solar Bear persona got me well-known enough
to get me elected to the board of ALDHA, first as membership secretary
and then as treasurer. I worked my butt off serving the ALDHA
membership whom I consider my family.

5) Bob Williams of ATC saw me give my treasurer's report at the 2002
Gathering and pulled me aside afterwards and asked if I had any
interest in serving on the ATC board. Of course, I said yes, but
didn't really think anything would come of it, since there are dozens
of better qualified people I know for the job.

So that's it. How does that make me a board-member type? I've
marched in the Trail Daze Parade in a pink tutu. I thought that put
me a little closer to the hiker trash type than the board-member type.
Shoot, I don't even belong to one of the maintaining clubs. I believe
this list has the biggest claim to putting me onto the road to the ATC
board. And, I might add, this list has a very warm place in my heart.
Having seen some of the magic it has produced in prior years, I hope
I can't be blamed for wanting to see more of that magic in the future.
Like it or not, I AM "one of us."

My goals have nothing to do with politics. I'm a few years from
retirement. My goals are to find me a hiker babe sweetie pie, a
cabin in the woods of West Virginia and to go on a bunch of long
hikes. No need for anyone to feel threatened by me, though I'll not
hesitate to respectfully share my views about our magnificent AT that
needs better protection and support.

Happy trails,

Solar Bear

On 6/5/05, Nightwalker wrote:

> We're a big, raucous, sometimes disagreeable family here. Good luck at
> getting us to behave the way that you want.
> If you board-member types want to understand us hiker types a little better,
> you should ditch the condescending attitude and hike a bit more. It'd
> probably be really good for you.
> The "new improved" super-de-dooper-de ATC that's coming soon? For all the
> fancy talk, there aren't a lot of high expectations from the folks out here
> on the ground. You don't know us. You never did. You never wanted to. It's
> certainly not expected to get better.
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