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[at-l] "Greens" WAS Huh?

Oh sure, and with a president like George W Bush and the neocon influence, 
y'alls prophecy may be expeditiously helped along and self-fulfilling.  

I'm just wondering what they plan on doing with all their money?


In a message dated 3/21/2005 1:03:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
creemos@pgmradio.org writes:

> You might as well enjoy creation cuz' the Lord's going to destroy it
> anyways.  As much as I have loved and benefited from hiking the A.T. and
> Florida National Trails; I always have in the back of my mind that fact that
> God created the wilderness we all enjoy and He does with it as He sees fit.
> Therefore, I take each step knowing that it leads me to revel in God's
> creative power... not the glory of His creations itself.  Thought?