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[at-l] And now, for something completely different (OT)

At 03:53 PM 12/1/2004 -0500, GoVolsKelly@aol.com wrote:
>HA!  I'm so frustrated with this stupid computer at work that I'm  ready to
>throw the friggin' thing out the window.  So, my word of the day  is

Good word but you misspelled it.
>Main Entry: de?fen?es?tra?tion
>Pronunciation: (")dE-"fe-n&-'strA-sh&n
>Function: noun
>Etymology: de- + Latin fenestra window
>: a throwing of a person or thing out of a window
>- de?fen?es?trate /(")dE-'fe-n&-"strAt/ transitive verb