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[at-l] Camping for the Gathering and the Use of Alcohol

In a message dated 9/26/2004 9:34:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
spiriteagle99@hotmail.com writes:

I'm not  gonna answer any specific post about this subject.

I AM gonna say this  though -
1/  There WERE problems with drunken hikers last year at the  Gathering.  
They were covered up by some of the hikers involved, but  they did NOT go 
unnoticed or unremarked.
I believe there are issues, but never saw any brawls. 
There are always drunken hikers (they have more issues than we can address  
but at least I never heard  them (this was my issue, the noise), I  must have 
slept far 
enough away.

2/ At 3am I don't personally appreciate being woken by the  screams from 
across the pond.


3/  At the Folklife Center, there ARE rules about alcohol.  ALDHA has  
consistently asked hikers to NOT bring alcochol to the Folklife Center -  and 
that request has been routinely ignored.  Two years ago, when I  left the 
Folklife Center on Monday morning, there was a 55 gal drum that  was full of 
empties - and a pile of empties stacked around it.  NOT  acceptable.  As 
hikers, "Pack it in, pack it out" should be the rule  - especially in places 
like the Folklife Center.
Not acceptable anywhere.

4/ The Folklife Center has been kind enough to allow us to camp  there - 
FREE.  I think it behooves us to comply with their rules  while we're there.  
If you don't like the rules, then camp  elsewhere.

5/ Continued lack of respect for the Folkilfe  Center rules will eventually 
cause them to rescind our camping  privileges.  It's not acceptable for the 
few who cannot abide by the  rules to ruin ALDHA's good relationship with the 

But it seems to always be "the few" that ruin things for everyone else,  it's 
just an ALDHA thing.

5/  Anyone who CAN'T give up alcohol for a couple nights has an alcohol  
problem and should deal with it.  I speak from experience (both  personal and 
otherwise) so don't bother to come back at me on this  one.  At one time, I 
WAS a drinker - probably a heavier drinker than  anyone who's gonna read 
this.  I know about denial - I know about all  the problems that go with the 
addiction - and I won't buy into the  excuses.

Some of us give up alcohol most of the year, and don't wish to for this  
one size fits all statement doesn't fit us. Some of us rarely drink for  most 
of the year, and want to have a few when we get together with friends  that 
we only see at the 
Gathering.  Don't assume we are all alcohol abusers.
I can understand the Folk life centers policy, they should have been  
enforcing it all 
along, so it wouldn't be an issue now.

6/  Anyone who CAN'T or won't give up alcohol for a couple nights is welcome  
at the Gathering, but not at the Folklife Center. There are other places  to 
stay - use them.

This makes more sense...

7/  I've missed one Gathering since 1992 - I've seen the consistent problems  
that the drinkers have created - both at the Gathering and on the  Trail.  So 
- while I love hikers - even the drinkers - don't expect  sympathy from me on 
this issue.
There are those who object to the stand that the Board is taking on  this.  
Deal with it.
... "consistent problems that the drinkers cause"...  Hmmm..  More 
People that were assholes  to start with, that drink,  cause problems. It 
makes them bigger problems than they already were.