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[at-l] Normal Recovery Time, Generally Speaking

Section Hiking is a lot thougher because

1.  Once you get into shape you are off the trail for another 
year.  You are always starting your hike out of shape!

2.  The mental thing.  A thru hiker has to get their head in 
the right place to hike just once.  A section hiker has to do 
it each year.  It is easier to blow off a year of hiking than 
it is to blow off the whole hike.\

3. (This may be  a plus).  Trail reloccations.  The powers to 
be relocate the section of trail that you have just hiked, do 
you rehike the trail relocation?  I know that this is a 
trivial comment, but some people want to hike a pure hike 
(Hit every white blaze).

4.  You only have to plan a thru hike once, but a section 
hike has to be planned a section at a time.

5.  Costs,  a section hike costs more than a thru hike.  
Transportation, etc.

Happy hiking!  Section Hikers Unit!!

Grey Owl

---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 13:35:11 -0400
>From: Amy Skowronek <askowronek@mindspring.com>  
>Subject: Re: [at-l] Normal Recovery Time, Generally 
>To: at-l@backcountry.net
>Hoplite wrote:
>>> To all you long distance hikers out there, I'm wondering 
how long it 
>>> took for your body to recover from the pounding you gave 
it on your 
>>> hike.  A month has passed since I finished my thruhike, 
and though my 
>>> knees continue to recover and strengthen, I find I still 
>>> negotiate stairs at a normal walking pace.  Jogging is 
>>> prohibitive, too.  Remarks, anyone? Hop
>This whole discussion makes me glad I'm a section hiker.  :)
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