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[at-l] mayonaise story

Felix, since the mayonnaise was in the refrigerator, I am assuming that it
was open before the electricity went out.  But, since it remained in the
somewhat cool refrigerator for the 3 days that you were without electricity,
I would taste it and if it tasted alright I would eat it.  That's just me.
I tend to not pay much attention to all the "freshness" dates on food, or
follow lots of recommendations.  The recommendations always err waay on the
side of safety, probably to avoid the possibility of suits.  I think its
just terrible how much food is wasted in the country at the supermarket
level.  If milk is sour, I will pour it out, but if its just gone out of
date and I can buy it from the store at a reduced cost, I'll buy it and go
home and make pudding and other stuff to make use of it.  I have eggs in my
fridge that have a June 1 sell date on them.  Most people would have thrown
them out by now.  I just boiled 2 for a salad and they were fine.

That's just my two cents.  You have to decide whether its worth that to you.