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[at-l] Mrs. Purtlebaugh

So, you're sayin' you were switched at birth??  That explains a lot !!

-----Original Message-----
From: Felix [mailto:athiker@smithville.net]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 11:18 PM
To: at-l@backcountry.net
Subject: [at-l] Mrs. Purtlebaugh

Someone signed my guestbook with this:

WEll, I was doing a search on my last name and found Mrs. Purtlebaugh, after

reading it I had to find the author, I was curious as to where he grew up, 
turns out he was born in the same hospital as me : ) 
my birth date is August 28th 1966 Morgan county hospital, Martinsville IN 

Tell me that ain't a small thing in a big world...or, something like that.

Felix J. McGillicuddy
ME-->GA '98
"Your Move"
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